A guide to investing in landscape restoration to sustain agrifood supply chains

10 05 23

This guide provides information and reasoning as to why it is important for agribusinesses to engage in nature-positive business practices, and why landscape restoration is an effective solution to supply chain risks related to degradation of landscapes and natural capital. The aim of this guide is not to provide a comprehensive methodological overview, but to outline key steps to consider for developing a business case for restoration in supply chains, and why this matters.
Leander Raes
Pauline Buffle
Zoe Williamson
Scarlet Benson
Helen Ding
James McBreen
Sophie Mongalvy
Klara Nilsson

A guide to investing in landscape restoration to sustain agrifood supply chains


This guide provides information and reasoning as to why it is important for agribusinesses to engage in nature-positive business practices, and why landscape restoration is an effective solution to supply chain risks related to degradation of landscapes and natural capital. The aim of this guide is not to provide a comprehensive methodological overview, but to outline key steps to consider for developing a business case for restoration in supply chains, and why this matters.
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