Landscape Transformation for Climate, Nature, People, and Culture: Voices of regenerative landscape leaders
Event type: Hybrid
Landscape Transformation for Climate, Nature, People, and Culture: Voices of regenerative landscape leaders
Event type: Hybrid
09 December 2023
02:30pm - 03:30am UTC
Food Pavilion, COP28 Blue Zone
Event Description

Regeneration needs to occur at four spatial levels – farm, regional, national and value chain – but to date much of the corporate and investor focus has been on value chains and farms, ignoring the landscapes
layer, which is a vital entry point for organizing, incentivizing, and observing regenerative outcomes.

We need to foster closer collaboration between actors at each of these four levels, and landscape-level initiatives show us this is possible as we continue to scale and learn from integrated landscape approaches with regenerative outcomes.

The event is coordinated by Regen10, of which FOLU is a core partner.