Part of the global secretariat, FOLU’s Knowledge Generation team is made up of researchers and experts from the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN), SYSTEMIQ and the World Resources Institute (WRI), and draws upon the expertise and experiences of the wider coalition partners as well as FOLU’s broader stakeholder networks.
How we conduct our research
Generating knowledge for people and planet

Our approach
FOLU delivers independent, science-based and action-oriented analysis and thought leadership for stakeholders across food and land use systems: from policymakers to the private sector, from farmers to financial institutions. The global Knowledge Generation team also supports FOLU’s country platforms in the design and delivery of country-led knowledge products.
Our analysis seeks to support stakeholders at global, national and sub-national level to action food and land use systems transformation. Our research agenda is collectively defined by coalition partners and in consultation with external experts.
Our approach
FOLU delivers independent, science-based and action-oriented analysis and thought leadership for stakeholders across food and land use systems: from policymakers to the private sector, from farmers to financial institutions. The global Knowledge Generation team also supports FOLU’s country platforms in the design and delivery of country-led knowledge products.
Our analysis seeks to support stakeholders at global, national and sub-national level to action food and land use systems transformation. Our research agenda is collectively defined by coalition partners and in consultation with external experts.

Quality assurance
To ensure high quality of all products bearing a FOLU logo, knowledge products undergo a rigorous consultation and review process with sign off from the FOLU Executive Director, the Knowledge Generation Director(s), the coalition core partners, and an expert external peer reviewer. Sign off on flagship reports, such as the 2019 Growing Better report, also require sign off from an Academic Reference Committee, selected by the FOLU core partners.
In some instances, FOLU commissions research at either the global or country level from other organizations. In these cases, such products are published under the name of the institution/author which has produced it, with reference to FOLU’s role in commissioning it. This research is reviewed by the FOLU Knowledge Generation Director(s) before it is published. Where it is commissioned at a country-level, this also requires a review from an in-country coalition member.